Toddler Program

Toddlers Summer Camp 2025
Age: 16-24 mos (walkers)
Time: 9:45 AM - 11:45 AM
Capacity: 10
Promo code: Please click register & select chosen class to get promo code.
Siblings Discount: 2nd child, 25%
& 3rd child 50%
Location: 136 west 10th street nyc
Days: 2 Days (T/TH) or (M/W)
4 days option available (please inquire)
Dates: Weekly sessions June 16 - Aug 22
Closed: (T/TH) Group canceled July 4, 2025
Families can arrange a make-up for that day
by contacting us at admin@perryschool.com
Our NYC Kids Camps for toddlers is a transitional program specifically designed for children ages 16-24 months. Campers have the opportunity to build classroom skills in a positive and supportive environment within a small group setting. Alongside their parent or caregiver, each child becomes an engaged and motivated learner. This program is the perfect way to prepare children for the separation process that lies ahead in a preschool setting. If your child is not yet separated please contact the camp director at admin@perryschool.com to discuss a separation plan. By creating a thoughtful, sensitive, and fun environment, children will feel secure and become engaged and motivated at NYC Kids Camps.
Note: Meet with Camp Director before
enrolling your child.
Parent/Caregiver participation
Water Bottle (With your child's name clearly marked)
Transitional Toy or Lovie (if needed)
Nut-Free snack
What To Bring

What To Wear
NYC Kids Camps t-shirt: Each camper is provided with one camp shirt. Extras are $20.
Comfortable cool clothing (dress for mess)
Sturdy sneakers (No Crocs, flip-flops, boots, or slip-on shoes)
Learning Objectives
The individual needs of each child are valued so that they result in the achievement of developmental milestones including:
Social and emotional skills such as positive self-identity, sense of competence, empathy, verbal and non-verbal communication, building relationships between children and adults, playing with others, etc.
Communication and language skills such as listening and responding, nonverbal and two-way communication, pre-literacy skills through picture books, etc.
Physical skills such as moving parts of the body and the whole body, using objects, spacial awareness, coordination and balance, etc.
Cognitive skills such as exploration, naming objects, early maths skills, basic skills (shapes, colors, size comparison, etc.), cause and effect, time intervals, etc.
Creative arts such as pretend play, exploring art materials and musical instruments, listening and responding to music, etc.
Sample Daily Summer Camp Toddler's Schedule
Class schedule
9:45: Good Morning Circle
9:45-10:15: Little Musicians Room with Guitar and professional music educators
10:15-10:45: Sky Room state-of-the-art play space includes gym time, sports, and movement games
10:45-11:00: Snack Time (nut free)
11:00-11:15:Story Time/Circle time with Puppets
11:15-11:35: Children's Art Factory includes sensory play, science exploration, hide and seek playhouse, great wall of chalk, easel painting, and daily art projects
11:35-11:45: Goodbye Circle with calm lullabies followed by a goodbye ritual
11:45: Dismissal